Includes carefully crafted pre-built program based on your fitness goals.

What you can get
Personal Training has been popular for the last few decades and there are reasons this service didn't fade over the years. Here is what you can get with a personalised approach to fitness.
You can waste time in the gym, or you can use it wisely. Every person’s body is different and therefore will respond to exercise in slightly different ways, and it will depend on their goals. A good Personal Trainer can help to identify the best exercises and frequency to support people to reach realistic and achievable goals. Without this, people can not only waste time and money but also lose motivation. People can get more value from their investment by getting a personalised evaluation and workout plan, providing structure, support, and help in setting goals.

Choose your Plan Today
Pick the one that is suitable for you!
Prices are in the range of 25-40 euros per 55 minute session. The exact price depends upon the package of sessions you pick and the personal trainer of your choice. For more information click here. Or you can give us a call at 22 494967

The mental challenge
However, when it comes to health and fitness, it’s not just the physical that’s important; it’s also the psychological ‘readiness to change’ that can affect performance, and therefore achievement, at the gym. One of the reasons we tend not to start or to stick making change is that it can take effort and discomfort. For example, we may think that it will be cold outside when we plan to go for a run, or it will ‘hurt’ and cause discomfort. To counter this, positive visual imagery may be useful. Regular sessions with a personal trainer may give you the boost you need and having someone in your corner to push and encourage you can be rewarding.
A personalised approach to fitness should also challenge you mentally as physically, so avoid that you get bored and take you to the next level. You should develop a routine for you with plenty of variety of exercises to keep you off that plateau. At New Body Gym we have university graduate Personal Trainers that can help you be healthier, feel and look better.
Understanding your workout
People should have a basic knowledge of the key measures that can be used to personalise a more effective workout plan, such as knowing their resting heart rate, blood pressure, aerobic fitness between others. Other indicators like previous or existing injuries, joint mobility, body fat percentage can be used to plan a bespoke fitness program based on a person’s goals and /or to track progress. Progress should be measured, and workouts reviewed periodically.
For more information click here. Or you can give us a call at 22 494967